Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress on Vedic Science, Vijnana Bharati
Vedic Studies वैदिकं विज्ञानम् (Vaidikam Vijnanam) by Ramamurti Chaturvedi वेदों में दूत और गुप्तचर व्यवस्था (Vedon Mein Doot Aur Guptachar Vyavastha) by Renu Pandey, Dinesh Prasad Tiwari वैखानसीय मन्त्र विमर्श (The Concept of Mantra in Vaikhanasa Agama) by Shitala Prasad Pandey जनसंख्या-वृद्धि एवं कन्या-भ्रूण-हत्या वेद विरुद्ध (Jan Sankhya Vriddhi evam Kanya Bhruna hatya Ved Viruddha) by Ved Sahani & Rajkumar Sahni वेदों में राजनीति विज्ञान के तत्व (Vedon Me Rajaneeti Vijnana Ke Tatva) by Niraj Kumar Singh भूकम्प का ज्योतिषीय विश्लेषण (Samhita Jyotisha mein Bhookampa ki Sthiti) by Girija Shankar Shastri Fire in Vedic and Ancient Iranian Literature by Alamdar Moghaddam Sayyad Hassan Scientific Attitudes of the Vedas by Sharada Chaturvedi Pre-Islamic Persia and Vedic Civilization Era by Hossein Mohammadi Physics of Mantra, Vedic Recitation Nyaya Vaisheshika वैदिकमन्त्रस्य लक्षणं मन्त्रनिष्ठशक्तेश्च विवेचनम् (Characteristics of Vedic Mantra and Elaboration of Mantra Shakti) by Madhav Janardan Ratate वैशेषिकदर्शने पदार्थविज्ञानम् (Scientific Explanation of Matter in Vaisheshika Darshan) by Hare Ram Tripathi शतपथ ब्राह्मण का ध्वनि-विषयक वैशिष्ट्य (Phonological Peculiarities in the Shatapatha Brahmana) by Saraswati Singh वैदिक ध्वनिविज्ञान में स्वरभक्ति का वैज्ञानिक मूल्यांकन (Scientific Value of Svarabhakti in Vedic Phonology) by Usha Sharma Shiksha and Pratisakhya by Solveig Mcintosh Contribution of Aitareya Aranyaka to Phonetics by Nirmala Ravindra Kulkarni Mathematics and Astronomy वैदिकं ब्रह्माण्डं खगोलशास्त्रं च (Vedic Cosmology and Astronomy) Sachichidananda Mishra वेदों में खगोल विज्ञान (Astronomy in Veda) by Km. Vindu वैदिक साहित्य में ज्यामिति (Geometry in Vedic Literature) by Arpita Chatterjee वेदों में गणितीय संक्रियायें (Mathematics in the Vedas) by Amit Kumar Shukla प्राचीन भारतीय गणित (Ancient Indian Mathematics) by Urmila Srivastava Recurring Decimals for Denominator with N-Digits by Priyanka Mishra, Kailash and S.K. Srivastava Baudhayana Numbers for N-Dimensional Space Using in math Power Methods by Lalta Prasad Vishwakarma and Kailash Cosmology and Cosmogony Embryology Depicted in the Garudapurana by V.K. Hampiholi Indian Cosmology and The Universe of Einstein & Stephen Hawking by Brijendra Sharan Shrivastava Cosmos And Equinox from Astadasha Puranas by P.B. Raghavaiah, K. sita Ramayya & K. Vasedeva moorty Ayurveda, Modern Science rasa Shastra वेदेषु आयुर्विज्ञानचिन्तनम् (Vedeshu Ayurvijnanachintanam) by Surendra Pal Singh वेदों में मानस-चिकित्सा (Psychotherapy in the Vedas) by S.N. Singh आयु का वेद- आयुर्वेद (Ayurveda: Science of Life) by Sharada Kusum Mishra अथर्ववेद में विष चिकित्सा (Toxicology in Atharvaveda) by Purnima Acharya अथर्ववेदीय आदिसूक्त पर आयुर्वैदिक दृष्टि (Atharvavediya Adisukta par Ayurvedic Drishti) by Sudha Singh औषधि विज्ञान में ध्वनि की उपयोगिता (Utilization of Sound in medical Science) by Nand lal Chaurasia Vedic Medical Microbiology and Emerging Infection Diseases by Chandradhar Frend and Sriji Kurup Physiology of Homeopoietic System in Ayurvedic Literature by Kishor Patwardhan & sangeeta Gehlot Srotas in Veda by Brajesh Gupta Clippings of Gynaecology & Obstetrics in Vedas & Samhita Granthas by Meghna Mittal & Mukta Sinha Ecology and Environment कालिदासस्य पर्यावरणसंरक्षणदृष्टिः (Environment Protection- The View of Kalidas) by Shivram Sharma यज्ञः पर्यावरणेऽस्य प्रभावश्च (Yajna and its Effect on Environment) by Dinesh Pandey वेदगत पर्यावरण समीक्षा (Environmental Studies in Vedas) by Dharmendra Kumar Pathak वेदों में पर्यावरणीय अध्ययन (Environmental Studies in Vedas) by Deepika Rai वैदिक वाङ्गमय में यज्ञ एवं पर्यावरण (Environment and Vedic Yagya) by Archana Tripathi वेदों में पर्यावरण संरक्षण (Environmental Protection in Vedas) by Suman Singh Ecology and Conservation in the Bhumi Sukta of Atharvaveda by Uma Pant Environental Perspectives: A Buddhist Stand Point by Rajesh Kumar Mishra Architecture (Vashtushastra) Traditional Arts मध्य गंगा घाटी में मृण्मूर्ति निर्माण तकनीक (Techniques of Manufacturing Terracotta Figurines in the Middle Gangetic Valley) by Sanjay Kumar Viswakarma वैदिक साहित्य में वास्तुकला की झलकें (Some Architectural Gleanings from Vedic Literature) by Meenakshi Singh Housing System in the Vedic Age by Pranati Ghosal Civil Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India by D. Mohan, Bahamawat P.M.K. & V. Kumar Yoga Vijnana, Mind and Consciousness अनन्ताकाशस्य त्रिस्तरसम्बन्धि वेदविज्ञानम् (Vedic Science Deal with Three Regions of Eternal Space) by Birendra Singh वेदों में योग विज्ञान (Yoga Vijnanam in Vedas) by Seeta Chaturvedi योगविज्ञान- आधुनिकविज्ञान से श्रेष्ठ है (Yoga Vijnana: Quite Ahead from Modern Science) by Uma Devi Joshi पातंजलयोगसूत्रों में ‘मनोविज्ञान’ के बीज (The Seeds of Psychology in “Yoga-Sutra”) by Beena Srivastava Dharana A Yogic Science by Shashikant Dwivedi Yoga in Vedic Era by Acharya Upadhyay & K.N. Tiwari Metals, Materials and Chemistry वैदिक वाङ्गमय में वनस्पति विज्ञान का स्वरूप (Botany in the Vedas) by Dilip Kumar Mishra वेदों में रसायन विज्ञान (Chemistry in the Vedas) by Sri Prakash Pandey Modern or Einsteinian Physics Versus Indian Oriental Physics by N.G. Dongre Hiranya Gold Metallurgy in Rigveda: In Special Reference to Jewellary by Nairanjana Srivastava Ancient Technology वेदेषु विमानशास्त्रम् अन्तरिक्षयात्रा च (Vedesu Vimanshashtram Antarikshayatra Ca) by Nirajakant प्राचीन भारत में षोडश संस्कारों का वैज्ञानिक महत्व (Scientific Importance of the Sixteen-Ceremonies in Ancient India) by Swati Srivastava विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी के विकास में प्राचीन भारत की महत्ता (Importance of Ancient India in the Development of Science & Technology) by Indra Bhushan Singh and Usha Kumari वैदिक यज्ञ एवं यज्ञ की वैज्ञानिकता (Science in Yajna) by Pradeep Kumar Dubey Textiles in Vedic Era by Anu Mishra & K.K. Goswami Divine and Spiritual Science वेद की त्रिसप्त स्थापना : सतत स्थायित्व का सिद्धान्त (The Tri-Sapta Set-up of Vedas: Theory of Eternal Sustainability) by Pramod Kumar Dubey Scope of Saucha in Smritis by Manik Shrinand Thakur “Om”: the Eternal Creative Force by Gopabandhu Mishra Pranic Exercise in Svetasvetaropanishad by Paramba Shree Yogamaya Agricultural Sciences and Animal Husbandry अथर्ववेदीया कृषिस्तत्साधनं वृष्टिश्च (Atharvavedic Agriculture, Rain and Its Source) by Bharatendu Pandey पञ्चमवेद महाभारत में पादप विचार (Concept of Plants in Panchama Veda Mahabharata) by Neel Mani Kumari अथर्ववेद में कृषिविज्ञान (Science of Farming in the Atharvaveda) by Sudhir Kumar Pathak Vedic Agricultural System- the base of Modern Agronomy by Sukumar Chattopadhyay Knowledge of taxonomy, anatomy and Physiology of plants in some Sanskrit texts of ancient India by Shankar Bhattacharjee & Mrinal Kanti Bhattacharya Homa Organic Farming – A Vedic Wonder by P.W. Basakar Agricultural Emplements in Ancient India by Narendra Dutt Tiwari, Amit Kumar & V.K. Dubey Conventional Methods of Seed Storage: Documentation and Validation by Basavaprabhu Jirli & Neetu Kumari Extension Education and Swami Vivekananda by Kalyan Ghadei and B Jirli
Vedic Studies
जनसंख्या-वृद्धि एवं कन्या-भ्रूण-हत्या वेद विरुद्ध (Jan Sankhya Vriddhi evam Kanya Bhruna hatya Ved Viruddha) by Ved Sahani & Rajkumar Sahni
Physics of Mantra, Vedic Recitation Nyaya Vaisheshika
Mathematics and Astronomy
Cosmology and Cosmogony
Ayurveda, Modern Science rasa Shastra
Ecology and Environment
Architecture (Vashtushastra) Traditional Arts
Yoga Vijnana, Mind and Consciousness
Metals, Materials and Chemistry
Ancient Technology
Divine and Spiritual Science
Agricultural Sciences and Animal Husbandry
अथर्ववेदीया कृषिस्तत्साधनं वृष्टिश्च (Atharvavedic Agriculture, Rain and Its Source) by Bharatendu Pandey
पञ्चमवेद महाभारत में पादप विचार (Concept of Plants in Panchama Veda Mahabharata) by Neel Mani Kumari
अथर्ववेद में कृषिविज्ञान (Science of Farming in the Atharvaveda) by Sudhir Kumar Pathak
Vedic Agricultural System- the base of Modern Agronomy by Sukumar Chattopadhyay
Knowledge of taxonomy, anatomy and Physiology of plants in some Sanskrit texts of ancient India by Shankar Bhattacharjee & Mrinal Kanti Bhattacharya
Homa Organic Farming – A Vedic Wonder by P.W. Basakar
Agricultural Emplements in Ancient India by Narendra Dutt Tiwari, Amit Kumar & V.K. Dubey
Conventional Methods of Seed Storage: Documentation and Validation by Basavaprabhu Jirli & Neetu Kumari
Extension Education and Swami Vivekananda by Kalyan Ghadei and B Jirli
Proceedings of the Vishwa Veda Vijnana Satram, World Congress on Vedic Sciences, Vijnana Bharati, Bangalore, 2004
Keynote Lectures/ Plenary Lectures The Psychological Insights in the Veda by Prof. R.L. Kashyap Sanatana Dharma: A way Forward by Prof Jatindra Saha Vedic Heritage and Global Culture by Prof. K.L. Seshagiri Rao Science of Management in the Vedas by Prof. N.S. ramaswamy Concept of Time and Space (And Some other Enigmas) from Vedic Times Down to the Present Day by Prof. (Dr.) C.G. Ramachandran Nair Message of the Vedas in the Modern Context by Prof. R. L. Kashyap General Science Vedas- India’s Scince Base by M.R. Suriyan, R. Prabhu, C. Saikumar & P.T. Perumal Classification of Plants in Ancient Indian Science- by Dr. S.B. Kale Genetics in Ancient Indian Science by Dr. S.B. Kale Human Anatomy in the Veda by Dr. Prajna Yogesh Joshi Botany in Vedic Literature by Dr. P.K. Mishra Vedas, Gita, and Modern Science by Prof. P. Achuthan The Vaidic Particle Physics- A Revolutionary Vaidic Concept of the Particle Physics by Sri Dinesh Tiwari Theory of Everything (TOE) in Modern Science & Vedic Science by Sri Ramella VSS Avadhanulu Rain Induction through Vedic Technology by Vedamurti Ketan Kale Shruthi Vijnan by M.V.S.V. Pranjapa The Concept of Light in Upanishads and Vedic Philosophy_ A Comparative Study by N.K. Prasanna Nayaki Science, Sense and Spirituality by Dr. H.N. Gaur Derivation of Modern Scientific Discoveries from the Vedic Sastras by Dr. S. Venugopalacharya Hydro Science in Vedic Literature by Dr. Hemlata Bolia Vedic Microbiology: Microbiology in the Vedas- a Revived History by Dr. Chakradhar Frend Sources of Energy- Some Vedic Concepts by Dr. P.C. Muraleemadhavan Vedic Interface with Modern Science Veda and Science- An analysis in the Light of Brahma Cult by K.M. Raju March from Vedic to Material and Life Sciences by Sri Narendra bahadur Singh Vedic Vijnana and Modern Science by Dr. V.S. Kale and Dr. S.B. Kale Vedasastram Ancient Veda Vedanga Vedantham and Modern Science by Sri Thomas M.K. Vedanta and Science by Prof. Jatindra Saha Interpretation of Shankaracharya’s Mayavada in the Light of Modern Science by Dr. Sujata Purkayastha Scientific Concept Embedded in the Veda Towards the Treatment of “Water” (Apah) by Dr. Sitanath Dey A Glimpse of Science in Ancient India Restrospection from IISc by Dr. P.K.Biswas and Dr. K.I. Vasu Spiritualism in Education with Special reference to the Upanishads by Dr. Priya M. Vaidya Vedic Science-Appropriate Technology by Sri C.B. Mohan Kumar Communication Skills Reflected in Ancient Indian Literature by Dr. Kanchan Mande Vasant Social Sciences The Rishi Route to Reality: Its Application to Managerial Necessities by Prof. Subhas Sharma & Prof. Isha Gamlath Veda and Yajna in Present times by S.K. Singh, D. Pal, K. Birendra, R. S Singh, Nimisha Tripathi & Asha Gupta Management of Veda and Science by Srimahatma Gopal Swami Saraswati Women in Vedic Era by Dr. P. Indra Feminine Status in Rigvedic Society by Dr. K. P. Sridevi Management Types and Principles Expressed in the Form of Graphical Figures & Name of Vishnu by Y.V.S.R. Moorty Vedas on meat Consumption by Prof. (Mrs) Ved Sahani A Quest of Science from Vedic Religion and Faith by Dr. P.K. Biswas Yogic Scince in the Vedic Literature by R. Rangan Upanishadic Philosophy as Reflected in Gandhian Thought by Dr. M.S Muraleedharan Pillai Spiritual Sciences: The Essence of Spiritual Development As taught by the Upanishads and Buddha- A Comparative Study by Prof. P.L. Dhar Astronomy in Vedic Literature by Dr. Shakti Kumar Sharma Shakuntala The Science of Spirituality by Sri Hari Chandra B.P. An Eunexplored Commentary of the Upanishads by Prof. M. M. Agrawal The Self and Identitiy in Indian Thought by Prof. J.P. Balodhi Role of Yoga, Pranic Healing in Health and Diseases by Dr. J.P. Brunda, G.Jaisri, C. Sundaram and Mallikarjun The Views about Soul (AATMA) in “Brihadaranayakaupanishad” by Sri Vishal Bharadwaj An Upanishadic Exposition of Prana and Pranayama by Dr. Indulata Das Sri Krishna Yajurveda: Structure by Shr M. Subba Rao Language & Vedic Interpretation Nine Precious Gems on Vedic Thought by Dr. Madan Mohan Sri Madhavacharya’s Commentary on RK Samhita by Shri J.C. Charlu Theology of Thought: Views of Dayananda and Arya Samaj on Vedas by Sri Chamanlal, Dr. Ashu Kumar & Dr. Vimal Wadhavan Maharshi Dayananda’s Contribution to the Study and Interpretation of Vedas by Dr. S.B. kale (Brahmamuni), Dr. Sow, V.S Kale Sri Aurobindo on the Vedic Gods by Sri Anuradha Chowdhary Seer, Meter, Seven Seers and Stomas by Sri Vipin Kumar, Radha Kumar Vedas are World Heritage: A Review by Mrs. Padmavathy Ramanathan Relevance of the Vedas in Understanding the use of “Night” and”Darkness” in Tagore’s Poetry by Dr. Amalendu Chakravarty Rgvedic Tradition of Kerala by Dr. C.M. Neelakantha Unadi Sutra-s Successful aid of Vedic Interpretation: new Possibilities by Dr. Radhamadhab Dash The Use of Vyakarana Sutras in Vedas by Dr. V.K. Shailaja Apauruseyatva of Vedas by Dr. G.N. Bhat Kavya Dosha in Indian Literature and Western Literature by Prof. Anupama R. Dongre The Genesis of Speech in Rigveda by Dr. P.M. Rath Philosophy, Religion and Scientific Symbolism A Vivarta or Transcription Theory of World Phenomena by Dr. T.M Jayaraman Three Eternal Entities in the Vedas by Dr. Supraneeti Varenya Dharma and Religion: Unifying and Divisive Forces by Prof. Rajendra Singh & Dr. Harish Chandra Space: Sacred and Prophane by Dr. (Mrs.) Archana Barua Vedic Modernism in Modern India: The Urgent Necessity of ItsResurgence by Dr. Krishna Barua A Study on the Cult of Brahma by Dr. K.M.Raju Implications of Sankhya Categories for Developing new Padegogy by Dr. Amita Pandey Bharadwaj Religion for the Youth by K.N. Savalappan Mathematical Science Some observations on Srichakram-As Mathematical Model by Shri T.J. Nagarajan The Veda and the Concept of 360 Degrees of Angles of a Circle by Dr. M.L. Raja, Shri A.Gunasekharan and Dr. R. Sankareswari Numerical Codes used in Ancient Indian Literature by Dr. A.K. Sharma, Dr. S.K. Srivastava and Dr. Kailash Power of Numbers, Divisibility and Recurring Decimals using Sutras and Upasutras of Vedic Mathematics, by Dr. A.K. Sharma, Dr. S.K. Srivastava and Dr. Kailash Shulbasutras and Pythagorus (Sulbhapramaya our Pythagorus) by Prof. Rameshchandra Dash Saharma Brahmagupta’s General Solution of 2nd Order Intermediate Equation NX2+1= Y2 by Dr. B. Gayathri Devi & Dr. S. Balachandra Rao The Concept of Evolution of Primary Numbers by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao Why Computer Should Work only on 0 and 1 by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao Date of Pingala (The Origin of Binary Computation in India) by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao Magic Square by Tukaram Chitta Mixed Fractions by Tukaram Chitta Geometry of Mahavedi in Shulva- Sutras by Sriram M. Chauthaiwala Ayurvedic Health Science Medical tips from Atharva Veda and Ayurved in Relation to the sidhas by Prof. V. Balambal Frontiers of Ayurvedas by Sri Pratiparti Ramaiah Medicine in the Atharvaveda by Prof. R. K. Sahni Significance of Riligious Activities in Ayurveda by Dr.Manick S. Thakar Ayurveda in Vedas by Dr. M. Srinivasulu Atharva Veda-A source of Medical Science by Dr.Radha Krishnamurthy The Relevance of Ayurveda in Modern Times by Sri B. P. Harichandra Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Practices in Vedic Period by Dr. M. P. Yadav Dr. A. K. Garg Prajnaparadh ki Vedamoolakata by Prof.Gamesh Bharadwaj Chikitsavisaye Samavwdasya tatha Gandharva harigitanam prasakti (Relevance of Samavwda & Gandharvaharigitas in management of Diseases by Dr. P. K. Dharmapalan Cosmology & Cosmogony The origin of Universe by Vedic Approach with Scientific Analysis by Sri G. N. Jayaprakash Vedic Philosophy of Creation and the Prevalent Ideologies by Dr. Aparna Gupta, Dr. Harish Chandra Knowledge Beyond the Quarks as the Fundamental Particles of Matter As Contained in the Rig-veda by Khem Chandsharma Vedas and its Orgins by Dr. Mumukshu Arya Synthesis of Vedic and Scientific Cosmology by Prof. Krishna Prakash Tripathi Advaita Vedanta and the Modern Cosmology by Prof. Jatindra Saha What is the Root Cause of Creation by Sri Agnivrata Naisthik Western and Indian perspectives on the Origin and the History of Universe by Prof. R. Viswanath Evolution of the Universe (As Revealed by the Saint and the Scients)by Shri. V. Malavya Sharma Some Astronomical Aspects in the Vedic Period by Dr. Brijesh Kumar Shukla Equinox- Sukta Mantra by Dr. K. Vasudeva Murthy A study of the creation of universe in Rigveda by Dr. Snigdha Das Roy Historical Perspective of the Advances in Indian Astronomy by Dr. K. Ramasubramaniam Environment & Ecology Ethno Botanical Study of Plant Science in the Vedas and its Modern Relevance by Dr. Mukta Biswas Environment and its Education in the Vedas and Allied Texts by Dr. Shri ji Kurup Prakrti in the Upanishads : A Study by Dr. Hiran Sharma Environmental Pollution and Management Ayurvedic Approach by Dr. Subray M Bhatt The Ritual of Yagna – An Environmental Approach by Dr. Rachana Sharma Conservation of Environment in X- Mandala Rigveda by Prof. M.V. Praphulla Yajnam and Environment by Prof. Gira T Ataliwala Mind & Consciousness A simple Study of Mind in the Light of Bhagavad Gita by Shankhadhari Das Physiological Changes and Haling Through Altered state of Consciousnessby Swami Mangalatheertham Saraswati The Astrology Based on Nadiamsas by Dr. Aswasthy Yayurveda on the Human Mind by Dr. Harish Chandra An Interpretation of the Human Mind Based on The Sankhya-Darshana By Dr. Harish Chandra Thought Management in Vedas by Dr. S. D, Mishra The Yogic Mind According to Taittiriya Upanishad by Dr. Ramachandra Bhat Mind and Consciousness by Dr. Goda VenkateswaraSastry Applied Science & Technology A modern Scientific Awareness of Upanishadic Wisdom: Implications to Physiological Phychology and Artifical Intelligence by. Varanasi Ramabrahmam Architecture in the Natyasastra by Dr. (Mrs) Shrutidhara Chakravarty Rediscovering Nyaya and Other Darsanas in the Context of Present day Information Technology Needs by Prof. V. V, S. Shsrm, Prof. N. J. Rao Concepts of Electrical Science in Ancient India by Sri K.G. Seshadri Scientific Evaluation of Yadnya- A Pilot Project by Pandit Pimpalkar Dr. V. S. Govardhan Concept of Vimana in Rigveda And Vimanaprakarana of Bharadwaj by Er. P. Rangan
Keynote Lectures/ Plenary Lectures
The Psychological Insights in the Veda by Prof. R.L. Kashyap
Sanatana Dharma: A way Forward by Prof Jatindra Saha
Vedic Heritage and Global Culture by Prof. K.L. Seshagiri Rao
Science of Management in the Vedas by Prof. N.S. ramaswamy
Concept of Time and Space (And Some other Enigmas) from Vedic Times Down to the Present Day by Prof. (Dr.) C.G. Ramachandran Nair
Message of the Vedas in the Modern Context by Prof. R. L. Kashyap
General Science
Vedas- India’s Scince Base by M.R. Suriyan, R. Prabhu, C. Saikumar & P.T. Perumal
Classification of Plants in Ancient Indian Science- by Dr. S.B. Kale
Genetics in Ancient Indian Science by Dr. S.B. Kale
Human Anatomy in the Veda by Dr. Prajna Yogesh Joshi
Botany in Vedic Literature by Dr. P.K. Mishra
Vedas, Gita, and Modern Science by Prof. P. Achuthan
The Vaidic Particle Physics- A Revolutionary Vaidic Concept of the Particle Physics by Sri Dinesh Tiwari
Theory of Everything (TOE) in Modern Science & Vedic Science by Sri Ramella VSS Avadhanulu
Rain Induction through Vedic Technology by Vedamurti Ketan Kale
Shruthi Vijnan by M.V.S.V. Pranjapa
The Concept of Light in Upanishads and Vedic Philosophy_ A Comparative Study by N.K. Prasanna Nayaki
Science, Sense and Spirituality by Dr. H.N. Gaur
Derivation of Modern Scientific Discoveries from the Vedic Sastras by Dr. S. Venugopalacharya
Hydro Science in Vedic Literature by Dr. Hemlata Bolia
Vedic Microbiology: Microbiology in the Vedas- a Revived History by Dr. Chakradhar Frend
Sources of Energy- Some Vedic Concepts by Dr. P.C. Muraleemadhavan
Vedic Interface with Modern Science
Veda and Science- An analysis in the Light of Brahma Cult by K.M. Raju
March from Vedic to Material and Life Sciences by Sri Narendra bahadur Singh
Vedic Vijnana and Modern Science by Dr. V.S. Kale and Dr. S.B. Kale
Vedasastram Ancient Veda Vedanga Vedantham and Modern Science by Sri Thomas M.K.
Vedanta and Science by Prof. Jatindra Saha
Interpretation of Shankaracharya’s Mayavada in the Light of Modern Science by Dr. Sujata Purkayastha
Scientific Concept Embedded in the Veda Towards the Treatment of “Water” (Apah) by Dr. Sitanath Dey
A Glimpse of Science in Ancient India Restrospection from IISc by Dr. P.K.Biswas and Dr. K.I. Vasu
Spiritualism in Education with Special reference to the Upanishads by Dr. Priya M. Vaidya
Vedic Science-Appropriate Technology by Sri C.B. Mohan Kumar
Communication Skills Reflected in Ancient Indian Literature by Dr. Kanchan Mande Vasant
Social Sciences
The Rishi Route to Reality: Its Application to Managerial Necessities by Prof. Subhas Sharma & Prof. Isha Gamlath
Veda and Yajna in Present times by S.K. Singh, D. Pal, K. Birendra, R. S Singh, Nimisha Tripathi & Asha Gupta
Management of Veda and Science by Srimahatma Gopal Swami Saraswati
Women in Vedic Era by Dr. P. Indra
Feminine Status in Rigvedic Society by Dr. K. P. Sridevi
Management Types and Principles Expressed in the Form of Graphical Figures & Name of Vishnu by Y.V.S.R. Moorty
Vedas on meat Consumption by Prof. (Mrs) Ved Sahani
A Quest of Science from Vedic Religion and Faith by Dr. P.K. Biswas
Yogic Scince in the Vedic Literature by R. Rangan
Upanishadic Philosophy as Reflected in Gandhian Thought by Dr. M.S Muraleedharan Pillai
Spiritual Sciences:
The Essence of Spiritual Development As taught by the Upanishads and Buddha- A Comparative Study by Prof. P.L. Dhar
Astronomy in Vedic Literature by Dr. Shakti Kumar Sharma Shakuntala
The Science of Spirituality by Sri Hari Chandra B.P.
An Eunexplored Commentary of the Upanishads by Prof. M. M. Agrawal
The Self and Identitiy in Indian Thought by Prof. J.P. Balodhi
Role of Yoga, Pranic Healing in Health and Diseases by Dr. J.P. Brunda, G.Jaisri, C. Sundaram and Mallikarjun
The Views about Soul (AATMA) in “Brihadaranayakaupanishad” by Sri Vishal Bharadwaj
An Upanishadic Exposition of Prana and Pranayama by Dr. Indulata Das
Sri Krishna Yajurveda: Structure by Shr M. Subba Rao
Language & Vedic Interpretation
Nine Precious Gems on Vedic Thought by Dr. Madan Mohan
Sri Madhavacharya’s Commentary on RK Samhita by Shri J.C. Charlu
Theology of Thought: Views of Dayananda and Arya Samaj on Vedas by Sri Chamanlal, Dr. Ashu Kumar & Dr. Vimal Wadhavan
Maharshi Dayananda’s Contribution to the Study and Interpretation of Vedas by Dr. S.B. kale (Brahmamuni), Dr. Sow, V.S Kale
Sri Aurobindo on the Vedic Gods by Sri Anuradha Chowdhary
Seer, Meter, Seven Seers and Stomas by Sri Vipin Kumar, Radha Kumar
Vedas are World Heritage: A Review by Mrs. Padmavathy Ramanathan
Relevance of the Vedas in Understanding the use of “Night” and”Darkness” in Tagore’s Poetry by Dr. Amalendu Chakravarty
Rgvedic Tradition of Kerala by Dr. C.M. Neelakantha
Unadi Sutra-s Successful aid of Vedic Interpretation: new Possibilities by Dr. Radhamadhab Dash
The Use of Vyakarana Sutras in Vedas by Dr. V.K. Shailaja
Apauruseyatva of Vedas by Dr. G.N. Bhat
Kavya Dosha in Indian Literature and Western Literature by Prof. Anupama R. Dongre
The Genesis of Speech in Rigveda by Dr. P.M. Rath
Philosophy, Religion and Scientific Symbolism
A Vivarta or Transcription Theory of World Phenomena by Dr. T.M Jayaraman
Three Eternal Entities in the Vedas by Dr. Supraneeti Varenya
Dharma and Religion: Unifying and Divisive Forces by Prof. Rajendra Singh & Dr. Harish Chandra
Space: Sacred and Prophane by Dr. (Mrs.) Archana Barua
Vedic Modernism in Modern India: The Urgent Necessity of ItsResurgence by Dr. Krishna Barua
A Study on the Cult of Brahma by Dr. K.M.Raju
Implications of Sankhya Categories for Developing new Padegogy by Dr. Amita Pandey Bharadwaj
Religion for the Youth by K.N. Savalappan
Mathematical Science
Some observations on Srichakram-As Mathematical Model by Shri T.J. Nagarajan
The Veda and the Concept of 360 Degrees of Angles of a Circle by Dr. M.L. Raja, Shri A.Gunasekharan and Dr. R. Sankareswari
Numerical Codes used in Ancient Indian Literature by Dr. A.K. Sharma, Dr. S.K. Srivastava and Dr. Kailash
Power of Numbers, Divisibility and Recurring Decimals using Sutras and Upasutras of Vedic Mathematics, by Dr. A.K. Sharma, Dr. S.K. Srivastava and Dr. Kailash
Shulbasutras and Pythagorus (Sulbhapramaya our Pythagorus) by Prof. Rameshchandra Dash Saharma
Brahmagupta’s General Solution of 2nd Order Intermediate Equation NX2+1= Y2 by Dr. B. Gayathri Devi & Dr. S. Balachandra Rao
The Concept of Evolution of Primary Numbers by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao
Why Computer Should Work only on 0 and 1 by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao
Date of Pingala (The Origin of Binary Computation in India) by K.V. Ramakrishna Rao
Magic Square by Tukaram Chitta
Mixed Fractions by Tukaram Chitta
Geometry of Mahavedi in Shulva- Sutras by Sriram M. Chauthaiwala
Ayurvedic Health Science
Medical tips from Atharva Veda and Ayurved in Relation to the sidhas by Prof. V. Balambal
Frontiers of Ayurvedas by Sri Pratiparti Ramaiah
Medicine in the Atharvaveda by Prof. R. K. Sahni
Significance of Riligious Activities in Ayurveda by Dr.Manick S. Thakar
Ayurveda in Vedas by Dr. M. Srinivasulu
Atharva Veda-A source of Medical Science by Dr.Radha Krishnamurthy
The Relevance of Ayurveda in Modern Times by Sri B. P. Harichandra
Animal Husbandary and Veterinary Practices in Vedic Period by Dr. M. P. Yadav Dr. A. K. Garg
Prajnaparadh ki Vedamoolakata by Prof.Gamesh Bharadwaj
Chikitsavisaye Samavwdasya tatha Gandharva harigitanam prasakti (Relevance of Samavwda & Gandharvaharigitas in management of Diseases by Dr. P. K. Dharmapalan
Cosmology & Cosmogony
The origin of Universe by Vedic Approach with Scientific Analysis by Sri G. N. Jayaprakash
Vedic Philosophy of Creation and the Prevalent Ideologies by Dr. Aparna Gupta, Dr. Harish Chandra
Knowledge Beyond the Quarks as the Fundamental Particles of Matter As Contained in the Rig-veda by Khem Chandsharma
Vedas and its Orgins by Dr. Mumukshu Arya
Synthesis of Vedic and Scientific Cosmology by Prof. Krishna Prakash Tripathi
Advaita Vedanta and the Modern Cosmology by Prof. Jatindra Saha
What is the Root Cause of Creation by Sri Agnivrata Naisthik
Western and Indian perspectives on the Origin and the History of Universe by Prof. R. Viswanath
Evolution of the Universe (As Revealed by the Saint and the Scients)by Shri. V. Malavya Sharma
Some Astronomical Aspects in the Vedic Period by Dr. Brijesh Kumar Shukla
Equinox- Sukta Mantra by Dr. K. Vasudeva Murthy
A study of the creation of universe in Rigveda by Dr. Snigdha Das Roy
Historical Perspective of the Advances in Indian Astronomy by Dr. K. Ramasubramaniam
Environment & Ecology
Ethno Botanical Study of Plant Science in the Vedas and its Modern Relevance by Dr. Mukta Biswas
Environment and its Education in the Vedas and Allied Texts by Dr. Shri ji Kurup
Prakrti in the Upanishads : A Study by Dr. Hiran Sharma
Environmental Pollution and Management Ayurvedic Approach by Dr. Subray M Bhatt
The Ritual of Yagna – An Environmental Approach by Dr. Rachana Sharma
Conservation of Environment in X- Mandala Rigveda by Prof. M.V. Praphulla
Yajnam and Environment by Prof. Gira T Ataliwala
Mind & Consciousness
A simple Study of Mind in the Light of Bhagavad Gita by Shankhadhari Das
Physiological Changes and Haling Through Altered state of Consciousnessby Swami Mangalatheertham Saraswati
The Astrology Based on Nadiamsas by Dr. Aswasthy
Yayurveda on the Human Mind by Dr. Harish Chandra
An Interpretation of the Human Mind Based on The Sankhya-Darshana By Dr. Harish Chandra
Thought Management in Vedas by Dr. S. D, Mishra
The Yogic Mind According to Taittiriya Upanishad by Dr. Ramachandra Bhat
Mind and Consciousness by Dr. Goda VenkateswaraSastry
Applied Science & Technology
A modern Scientific Awareness of Upanishadic Wisdom: Implications to Physiological Phychology and Artifical Intelligence by. Varanasi Ramabrahmam
Architecture in the Natyasastra by Dr. (Mrs) Shrutidhara Chakravarty
Rediscovering Nyaya and Other Darsanas in the Context of Present day Information Technology Needs by Prof. V. V, S. Shsrm, Prof. N. J. Rao
Concepts of Electrical Science in Ancient India by Sri K.G. Seshadri
Scientific Evaluation of Yadnya- A Pilot Project by Pandit Pimpalkar Dr. V. S. Govardhan
Concept of Vimana in Rigveda And Vimanaprakarana of Bharadwaj by Er. P. Rangan
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