General Science
Vedas- India’s Scince Base by M.R. Suriyan, R. Prabhu, C. Saikumar & P.T. Perumal
Classification of Plants in Ancient Indian Science- by Dr. S.B. Kale
Theory of Everything (TOE) in Modern Science & Vedic Science by Sri Ramella VSS Avadhanulu
Rain Induction through Vedic Technology by Vedamurti Ketan Kale
Derivation of Modern Scientific Discoveries from the Vedic Sastras by Dr. S. Venugopalacharya
Vedic Microbiology: Microbiology in the Vedas- a Revived History by Dr. Chakradhar Frend
Sources of Energy- Some Vedic Concepts by Dr. P.C. Muraleemadhavan
Vedic Interface with Modern Science
Veda and Science- An analysis in the Light of Brahma Cult by K.M. Raju
March from Vedic to Material and Life Sciences by Sri Narendra bahadur Singh
Vedic Vijnana and Modern Science by Dr. V.S. Kale and Dr. S.B. Kale
Vedasastram Ancient Veda Vedanga Vedantham and Modern Science by Sri Thomas M.K.
Interpretation of Shankaracharya’s Mayavada in the Light of Modern Science by Dr. Sujata Purkayastha
Scientific Concept Embedded in the Veda Towards the Treatment of “Water” (Apah) by Dr. Sitanath Dey
A Glimpse of Science in Ancient India Restrospection from IISc by Dr. P.K.Biswas and Dr. K.I. Vasu
Spiritualism in Education with Special reference to the Upanishads by Dr. Priya M. Vaidya
Vedic Science-Appropriate Technology by Sri C.B. Mohan Kumar
Communication Skills Reflected in Ancient Indian Literature by Dr. Kanchan Mande Vasant
वेद में योग विद्या ((श्रीजगन्नाथजी वेदालंकार)
वैदिकं विज्ञानम् (Vaidikam Vijnanam) by Ramamurti Chaturvedi
Scientific Attitudes of the Vedas by Sharada Chaturvedi
- अनन्ताकाशस्य त्रिस्तरसम्बन्धि वेदविज्ञानम् (Vedic Science Deal with Three Regions of Eternal Space) by Birendra Singh
- वेदों में योग विज्ञान (Yoga Vijnanam in Vedas) by Seeta Chaturvedi
- योगविज्ञान- आधुनिकविज्ञान से श्रेष्ठ है (Yoga Vijnana: Quite Ahead from Modern Science)) by Uma Devi Joshi
- पातंजलयोगसूत्रों में ‘मनोविज्ञान’ के बीज (The Seeds of Psychology in “Yoga-Sutra”) by Beena Srivastava
- Dharana A Yogic Science by Shashikant Dwivedi
- Yoga in Vedic Era by Acharya Upadhyay & K.N. Tiwari
- विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी के विकास में प्राचीन भारत की महत्ता (Importance of Ancient India in the Development of Science & Technology) by Indra Bhushan Singh and Usha Kumari
- Textiles in Vedic Era by Anu Mishra & K.K. Goswami
- “Om”: the Eternal Creative Force by Gopabandhu Mishra
- Pranic Exercise in Svetasvetaropanishad by Paramba Shree Yogamaya